Board Effectiveness: What Works Best, 2nd Edition

Board Effectiveness What Works Best, 2nd Edition, is intended to help board directors navigate the increasingly complicated and challenging environment they face. Gleaning from insights provided by directors and PwC professionals around the globe, this research report provides lessons learned and leading practices on how the best boards discharge their key corporate governance responsibilities.
The report addresses recent developments and regulations that affect boards of directors and also: Offers insight from active directors about their experiences and challenges, as well as views from governance experts. Incorporates survey trends and data that highlight how directors are handling their responsibilities. Includes a Board of Directors Self-assessment Guide, capturing the leading practices discussed throughout the report. The pressure on boards is constant with scrutiny from shareholders, regulators, and other stakeholders.
This book provides directors with advice on leading practices so they can effectively oversee the organizations on whose boards they serve. This book refers to Audit Committee Effectiveness What Works Best, 4th edition. Readers will want to refer to that book for greater insight into how the audit committee contributes to the board s oversight role in areas such as financial reporting, risk management, tone at the top, and crisis management.