The CRMA® Exam Study Guide, 1st Edition, compiles the comprehensive review material you need to prepare for the Certification in Risk Management Assurance™ (CRMA®) exam. Crucial information is presented in this one-of-a-kind study guide for each of the four official exam domains:

The Framework is comprised of three volumes including the following:

Executive Summary – This provides a high-level overview intended for the board of directors, chief executive officer, and other senior management. The Executive Summary:

Lays out the definition, and limitations, of internal control, and the requirements for an effective system of internal control, including a description of the roles of components and principles.

Your Guide to Understanding, Communicating, and Implementing the Update. For the first time since 1992, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission COSO has updated its Internal Control Integrated Framework. Now organizations around the world are seeking to understand and implement the changes.

Considered the premier international textbook on internal auditing, Internal Auditing: Assurance & Advisory Services, Third Edition (The Textbook), serves as a cornerstone for internal audit education. The updated edition brings together seven educators and practitioners in a collaborative environment that supports the rapidly expanding role of internal auditors.

Every business faces risks, and it’s up to internal auditors to take the lead in evaluating them. Arm yourself with the tools and knowledge that will help you complete first-rate risk assessments. Every day, organizations require internal auditors to execute various risk assessment activities. In order to accomplish this key function, it’s critical that professionals continuously refine their skills and knowledge to assess risk.

The Internal Auditor’s Guide to Risk Assessment provides key information revealing:

Prepare to Pass the 3-Part CIA Exam!

The IIA’s CIA Learning System is a comprehensive and interactive CIA review program that teaches and reinforces the entire global Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam syllabus in a flexible, on-demand format. It combines reading materials, in printed and e-reader formats, with online tests and study tools to ensure you’re prepared to pass the CIA exam and armed with critical tools and knowledge to excel in your internal audit career.

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