CRMA Exam Study Guide, 1st Edition

The CRMA® Exam Study Guide, 1st Edition, compiles the comprehensive review material you need to prepare for the Certification in Risk Management Assurance™ (CRMA®) exam. Crucial information is presented in this one-of-a-kind study guide for each of the four official exam domains:
- Organizational governance related to risk management
- Principles of risk management processes
- Assurance role of the internal auditor
- Consulting role of the internal auditor
Written and reviewed by an international team of practitioners and academics, the study materials are designed for a global audience. Included are:
- Sample CRMA exam practice questions with suggested solutions
- Exam syllabus
- List of supplementary study materials
With current information and trends, explanatory examples, and useful figures and tables, the CRMA® Exam Study Guide will not only serve as an aid to taking the exam, but will also enhance your knowledge of risk management assurance for audit-related activity.