Internal Audit Foundation
CRMA õppematerjali 2. väljaanne koondab kokku põhjaliku info, mis on vajalik riskijuhtimise sertifikaadi - CRMA® - eksamiks valmistumisel.
Selles ajakohastatud ja mahukas õppematerjali raamatus on kogu oluline info kõigi kolme valdkonna kohta, mis on vajalik sertifikaadieksami tegemiseks:
I valdkond: siseauditi rollid ja kohustused
II valdkond: riskijuhtimise eestvedamine
III valdkond: riskijuhtimise tagamine
An independent audit committee is fundamental to good governance, but there is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The precise structure and objectives of audit committees across the world are influenced by the nature of the business, the regulatory environment, ownership structure, and legal requirements.
The role of team leaders is being reshaped at a relatively rapid pace to accommodate the recognition of chief audit executives (CAEs) as trusted advisors within the C-suite. This book helps them transition to a higher level by providing practical, meaningful ideas to optimize internal audit’s value proposition through attuned, balanced, and credible day-to-day audit engagement activities.