Best Practices: Evaluating the Corporate Culture presents soft control evaluation techniques that have been proven effective in a variety of organizations. Readers will gain insight into how to tailor a technique to their own organization by seeing how similar results are achieved in different organizations.

Human resource (HR) management covers a broad spectrum of workforce activities. Despite its integral role, HR is often considered a soft area and management may not understand the inherent risks involved with this function, including employment law issues, compensation and benefit plan design, recordkeeping, and potential fraud issues.

There are clear risks in administering employee management programs. Numerous laws govern human resources HR administration, making compliance a key concern. However, there is also a vital strategic component of employee management. In today s environment, key issues include training employees in a struggling economy, increases in fraud incidents, management/union relationship strains, and the baby boomer exodus.

Governance, which includes the important subsets of risk, control, and compliance, is the space in which internal audit plays. There are tremendous opportunities for internal auditors to add value to their respective organizations through work they can perform in advancing organizational practices. This book was written to complement the recently published handbook, Evaluating and Improving Organizational Governance.

Improving Board Risk Oversight Through Best Practices is a research report that shows how organizations have effectively engaged their board in their ERM systems, how internal audit plays a role in board risk oversight, and covers a series of “best practices.” This is important since organizations are placing more emphasis on enhancing the effectiveness of risk management in their own operations.

Board Effectiveness What Works Best, 2nd Edition, is intended to help board directors navigate the increasingly complicated and challenging environment they face. Gleaning from insights provided by directors and PwC professionals around the globe, this research report provides lessons learned and leading practices on how the best boards discharge their key corporate governance responsibilities.

More is being asked of internal auditors than ever before. As a result, diligent efforts are needed to provide a workplace environment where individuals can achieve their full potential and, in the process, contribute to the successful execution of internal audit projects.
Leadership is an essential ingredient for team effectiveness. It goes beyond budgets, workpapers, and reports. It means knowing people, connecting with them, and helping them achieve things they didn't think they could achieve.

This book offers a step-by-step approach to:

Sally Cutler has done it again. Her report-design and report-writing techniques will help you to construct clear and persuasive audit reports that address current and emerging demands. 

Leverage Cutler’s expertise. Take advantage of the realistic examples and practical checklists that bring the concepts alive and will help your team produce timely, clear audit reports with impact. Sally Cutler walks you through key strategies for:

Revered as the "father of modern internal auditing," Larry Sawyer is legendary among internal auditors around the world. For more than 25 years, Sawyer contributed to the knowledge base of the internal audit profession. This publication presents a compilation of 22 articles he authored for Internal Auditor magazine. Sawyer's writings offer a wealth of timeless and sound advice for audit practitioners, managers, and audit committee members.

Every internal audit professional wants to look back on their career with the satisfaction of knowing our work made a significant difference. Richard F. Chambers journey on the audit trail spans nearly 40 years with stops in both government and the corporate sector and, since 2009, as President and CEO of The Institute of Internal Auditors.

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